Sunday, November 13, 2011


"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.  It means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections." ~Unknown

If I had read this quote a week ago, I would have found any excuse to try to dismiss the validity of it.  But today, as I read this, it makes perfect sense and I couldn't agree more; Life isn't perfect... my life isn't perfect... But I am happy.

Sometimes, when you face changes in life, it's easier to dwell on the past instead of the direction you are heading.  I have been struggling with change of direction ever since we moved to Washington.  I have wanted everything to be perfect in our life right away.  Trust me, there is nothing more jading than wanting perfection in life; it just doesn't happen.

This past week, I have realized that perfection isn't realistic.  We aren't going to have the perfect friends, the perfect church, the perfect weather, the perfect finances, or the perfect jobs within the first few months of moving here... but in due time, everything will fall into place.   Now, the key is finding happiness throughout all of the imperfections- or the changes.  It's time to grasp the changes and realize that they aren't going away... I have to evolve and adapt to these changes. I know that God doesn't give me more than I can handle, so why am I doubting Him?

With this new outlook, I am back; Kristen is back.  This past week I have felt so much more awake and grateful for everything in my life.  I am focusing on the positives rather than the negatives, and I am finding not only my marriage growing, but my friendships and relationships with others building too.  I am finding that we will be okay living life up here in Washington, even if it's not temporary.   God is opening my eyes to the beauty of where Trevor and I are at in our life.  We are alone, relying on one another, and building a new life for ourselves.  God is entrusting us to build a life together; to rely on each other and rely on God.  What a compliment!  

Choosing to be happy has become a no-brainer for me, and I pray that I can continue to be optimistic as the changes come rolling in throughout our life. I am so thankful for those who have stuck by me during the unhappy moments of the past few months, you are all blessings!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


November... November is my absolute FAVORITE month of the year!  November is the month that kicks off the holiday season, brings back so many memories, and it REALLY feels like Autumn!

Life up in Washington over the past month has definitely been better and eye opening for me.  For starters, I have realized that I need to find a new job.  It's not that my current job is horrible, but I am unfulfilled.  I feel that I am not using the gifts of service and teaching that God has given me that I am stuck in the hospitality industry.  My ideal job would be to teach, however, timing isn't great to go through the 10 months of non-paid time to get my teaching credential.  After talking with several people about my passions, I have been encouraged to seek out non-profit organizations working with children. There are a few jobs I have found with non-profit organizations that I have applied to and I am finding that more and more opportunities are out there.  I am actually EXCITED to find something new that I can be passionate about going to everyday.

I have been really struggling with happiness since moving up here, and I am beginning to shift into the mindset of counting my blessings in Washington which has been making my days a little brighter. Trevor and I have been growing together as well.  He has been incredibly supportive of me and encourages me to do what makes me happy.  I am so thankful for a husband that makes me laugh!

I am prayerful that November will be one of the best months since moving up here!  We have so many exciting things coming up and I am excited to see what November brings with family, friends, and life!